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As we age, the skin of our upper and lower eyelids sags and wrinkles, and the normal fat deposits behind the skin tend to bulge forward and cause hags. Surgery of the eyelids removes this extra skin and fat. Incisions are placed in the normal skin lines and are rarely visible. New variations for the lower eyelid include an approach with no visible incision, usually combined with laser resurfacing to correct wrinkles. The operation usually takes an hour or two and is easily done with local anesthesia.

The eyelids may be discolored and slightly swollen for a week or two after surgery. Patients sometimes comment that the right and left sides are not absolutely identical; this is often true and is normal. Dryness and irritation of the eyes can be a problem, especially if the surgery has been done once before or if you had some pre-existing dryness. You may need to use lubricating eye drops, and it may be hard to wear contact lenses for awhile. Although there have been isolated rare reports of vision damage following this surgery, we have never seen this problem. Eyelid surgery is ordinarily very safe, and the results are usually quite satisfying.

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